¡Renace con nosotros!
Y comienza tu camino hacia una vida más saludable.
Dr. Omar Gaytán Fuentes
Cirujano General y Bariatra con Robot Da Vinci, Certificado por el Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía General y el Colegio Mexicano de Cirugía para la Obesidad y Enfermedades Metábolicas.

Hello, I am Dr. Gaytán, Welcome to Revenant Clinic! Where change and transformation awaits for you.
We are a medical clinic specialized in the control of obesity, and we are here to help you achieve your ideal weight and well-being.
At Revenant Clinic, we believe in the power of personal rebirth, just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, rebirth with us through our comprehensive and personalized approach. We will provide you the necessary tools to be reborn and achieve a life full of health and happiness.
Our team of highly qualified medical experts will guide you on every step of the way. With a comprehensive and personalized approach, we design treatment programs to suit your individual needs. Whether through surgical options, psychological, nutritional therapy or supervised exercise programs, we will provide you with the necessary tools to obtain lasting results.
Let us be part of your change story and help you achieve the best version of yourself.
Reborn with us! And start your path to a healthier life.

Creemos en el poder del renacimiento personal, y así como el ave fénix emerge de las cenizas, nosotros te brindaremos las herramientas necesarias para obtener resultados duraderos, y alcanzar la mejor versión de ti mismo.